11月21日,UNIJIA 举办了一场精彩纷呈的羽毛球比赛。
On November 21st, UNIJIA organized a thrilling and spectacular badminton match.
Students from various communities enthusiastically exerted themselves on the badminton court, immersed in the intense rivalry and relishing the sheer pleasure of the sport!
最终,来自3号社区的Leo同学和 Cynthia同学分别获得了男子组和女子组的冠军。
Ultimately, Leo from Community NO.3 secured the top spot in the men’s category, while Cynthia emerged victorious in the women’s category.
来自3号社区的Renzel同学和9号社区的MARIA-STANCA PETCULESCU(李星澜)同学分别获得了男子组和女子组的亚军。
Renzel from Community NO.3 and MARIA-STANCA PETCULESCU (Li Xinglan) from Community NO.9 won the second place in the men’s and women’s divisions respectively.
Congratulations to these outstanding students!
在今后的日子里,UNIJIA 将持续为大家带来精彩的活动,请大家关注我们,并踊跃报名!
Moving forward, UNIJIA will keep offering fantastic events. Stay tuned and don’t hesitate to join us!